Dedicated to serving farmers in Santa Barbara County
Ag Alert

Ag Alert is the weekly newspaper of the California Farm Bureau Federation, reaching Farm Bureau agricultural and collegiate members. Agricultural members are owners and decision makers on California farms and ranches.
California Bountiful
California Bountiful magazine promotes connections between farm and city, introducing readers to farmers, ranchers, chefs and others who bring us food and farm products; visiting towns and locations that are hidden gems; featuring mouth-watering recipes that include California-grown products; sharing gardening tips from experts; and more.

Central Coast Farm & Ranch
Central Coast Farm & Ranch is a quarterly magazine circulated in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties. It is published by Farm Bureau of Ventura County. Previously known as The Broadcaster, Central Coast Farm & Ranch is distributed as a benefit of membership in the Santa Barbara and Ventura County Farm Bureaus, and its primary audience is members of the Central Coast agricultural community. But it also contains stories and photographs that appeal to supporters of local food, fans of local restaurants that feature local food, and members of the general public interested in learning about the past, present and future of the region’s signature industry.

Friday Review
During the legislative session, the California Farm Bureau shares a summary of legislative and governmental activity in the state’s capitol. This way everyone can stay involved and up to date.